CyberForce Scenario Data Sets

These datasets were generated using a CyberVAN scenario that is representative of an enterprise network under an APT-style attack setting to facilitate research on cyber defenses and human-behavior modeling (the CyberFORCE scenario).

The AREP_CyberForce_ScenarioOverview_2021-317.pdf file contains slides that provide details about the CyberVAN scenario, attack, and data flows.

There are two tar files listed below:

  • The cf_data_03022021.tar.gz file contains the full set of files collected during the attack and a detailed description of the data in that tar file is described in AREP_CyberForce_DataCollection_20210237.pdf.

  • The cf_data_labels.tar.gz file contains labeled data.  The data in this file provides a rich set of labels for the same IPFIX data that was collected in cf_data_03022021.tar.gz. While the AREP_CyberForce_DataCollection_20210317.pdf paper provides an approximate timeline of activities that took place during the data collection exercise, the data in this labeled dataset provides an exact timeline of those activities by mapping fine-grained data logs to high-level events.  Also in this tar file is a document (CyberForce Data Labeling.pdf) describing the labeling task.

AREP_CyberForce_ScenarioOverview_2021-317.pdf Description Scenario description overview
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Size 1.5 MB
AREP_CyberForce_DataCollection_20210317.pdf Description

Dataset decription detail

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Size 1.0 MB
cf_data_03022021.tar.gz Description CyberFORCE Data Set - download
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Size 140.0 MB
cf_data_labels.tar.gz Description CyberFORCE IPFIX Labeled Dataset - download
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Size 1.0 MB